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Try Before You Buy

Lock in exclusive savings on multi-day demo packs when you book now! Enjoy the flexibility to use your demo days whenever it suits you, giving you the freedom to explore the mountain on your terms. Our expert staff will ensure you’re fitted with top-tier gear tailored to your style, skill level, and terrain preferences. Plus, with unlimited equipment swaps, you can test out the latest technology and fine-tune your ride for any conditions. Elevate your experience, maximize your performance, and make every run your best one yet!

explore our demo fleet

Snowboarder riding corduroy at Palisades Tahoe on a sunny day Snowboarder riding corduroy at Palisades Tahoe on a sunny day

Demo 2 Pack: $75/Day

When the powder comes, be prepared with the best gear. Exchange your rental equipment throughout the duration, find the perfect fit, and save on the latest models from elite brands.
A skier glides through powder on a pair of demo skis with vistas in the background at Palisades Tahoe. A skier glides through powder on a pair of demo skis with vistas in the background at Palisades Tahoe.

Demo 4 Pack: Unrestricted or Midweek

This is the year to try those powder boards. Purchase a 4-Day Demo package now and prepare yourself for the freshies with the right equipment. Choose from options that allow you to decide when to take your mountain time. 

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